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How pedestrians can avoid a hit-and-run accident

Pedestrian safety is something that not everyone in North Carolina thinks about consistently, but it becomes a major concern around the fall and winter, when the days grow shorter. After all, drivers see less at night and can be disoriented by certain lights, and this puts pedestrians at risk.

Nighttime hit-and-run accidents become more common during those seasons, and if pedestrians blend in with the rest of the surroundings, they are not doing themselves any favors. One of the most important tips that safety experts give, then, is to wear bright clothes that easily reflect light. White and yellow clothes do this the best. Having reflectors on is another good idea as these can be seen in a car\’s headlights from as far as 500 feet.

Pedestrians must also stay on the sidewalk, and where there is no sidewalk, they should avoid going down that road entirely. If doing so is impossible, pedestrians should walk close to the edge and facing any oncoming traffic. Inattention winds up injuring a lot of pedestrians, so should they stay alert. Pedestrians must follow the traffic laws, too, and never cross except at a marked crosswalk or intersection. They should always look both ways before crossing. Darting out, even on a crosswalk, is inadvisable. Parents must instill these behaviors into children by setting a good example themselves.

When pedestrian accidents are the result of drivers\’ negligence or recklessness, then there can be good grounds for a claim. Under North Carolina law, victims cannot recover if they contributed in any manner to their injuries. Before filing anything, victims may see a lawyer. Victims\’ injuries may have led to a disability, but a successful claim could cover victims\’ past and future medical expenses, among other damages.